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We make sure you show up.

What we do...

Whether it’s writing an advertisement or a marketing brochure, a good sales letter or an e-mail sales campaign, every business needs good writing. But businesses also need people who can create powerful, relevant content for the company blog, develop a strong social media presence and craft a compelling description of products and services for the company website. So whether you want to build new client relationships, or cement current ones, connecting to your target audience is more vital to your success than ever. The solution is a well-executed Strategic Communication Plan designed to convey the essence of your ideas enabling you to live your passion and be a successful business at the same time.


Exponent Communications provides customized communications and PR services tailored to support your business goals. We work with you to identify solutions based on your timeline, budget, current efforts, and in-house capability for implementation.


Action Plan Development and Implementation
We develop integrated communication programs that support and broaden your business development initiatives. Using your goals and messages as the foundation, your Exponent Communications Action Plan is tailor-made to serve as the road map to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time using the best available channel.


You need to know if your communications efforts are effective or need fine turning. Are your efforts contributing to your reputation, producing revenues, and delivering a positive ROI? We help you capture that information through website analytics, cost per insertion value analysis for media placements, and social media reporting. 

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